Security Questionnaire Automation

Free AI questionnaire assistant

Our free AI assistant

can complete 90% of

the job in just minutes

Why spend two weeks on a security questionnaire? Our free AI assistant completes 90% of the work in minutes, automatically generating accurate, custom questionnaire responses.

Tired of endless custom security questionnaires?

No standard questionnaires

Each company has its version of security questionnaires, often with the same questions in different words.


90% of these questionnaires are long Excel sheets with over 100 questions. Manually answering them can take up to a month.


Answering these questions demands significant time and effort, which your team could spend on higher-priority tasks.

Holds liability

Questionnaires are not just paperwork—they are legal documents. You need to understand the implications of every answer you provide.

Dozens of questionnaires in an hour

Security questionnaires can take weeks, or even up to a month, to complete. While managing a few may be feasible, what happens when your business faces a dozen or more? The process demands countless hours of manual effort and collaboration across multiple teams, even for the simplest questions. With our free AI automation solution, you can complete the entire process in just four simple steps, in a matter of minutes.

Upload your existing questionnaires

Start by uploading your questionnaires you've already answered answered in Excel format

AI learns from your previous answers

Our AI-powered tool analyzes your previous answers and stores information about your cybersecurity procedures and processes for future use

Upload new questionnaires

Our tool automatically generates answers. You can edit answers you don't like and approve the rest.

Review, confirm, or regenerate

Our tool adds new answered questionnaires to our knowledge base, making future responses more accurate. You can easily confirm, regenerate, or edit answers for accuracy.

Upload your existing questionnaires

Start by uploading your questionnaires you've already answered answered in Excel format

AI learns from your previous answers

Our AI-powered tool analyzes your previous answers and stores information about your cybersecurity procedures and processes for future use

Upload new questionnaires

Our tool automatically generates answers. You can edit answers you don't like and approve the rest.

Review, confirm, or regenerate

Our tool adds new answered questionnaires to our knowledge base, making future responses more accurate. You can easily confirm, regenerate, or edit answers for accuracy.

Why automate with CyberUpgrade?

There’s no bigger waste of resources than tackling security questionnaires manually. With CyberUpgrade, you can ditch the cumbersome Excel files and endless email chains with multiple vendors for an easy-to-use and automated process.

Automate up to 90% of the questionnaire process

Ensure compliance with NIS2, ISO27001 and other frameworks

Consistent, AI-powered responses reduce the risk of mistakes

Automate your process at zero cost to your business.

Compatible regulations

Audit room–a specialized module for managing and conducting audits, ensuring compliance and effective governance that meet regulatory standards.

The security you want, available today

Help us understand your cybersecurity situation.

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Upload a security questionnaire you've already completed to get started.

Automatically generate accurate responses to custom security questionnaires. Reduce time spent from weeks to minutes. Optimize your resources and protect your vendor relationships.

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We'll inform you via email when system is ready to process new requests.